On Wednesday, 1/29/20 all the Lutheran Schools part of the Lutheran Schools of Lincoln, gathered at Lincoln Lutheran for the annual All-Schools Chapel. Each year Faith, Christ, Messiah, Trinity and Lincoln Lutheran gather together to celebrate the blessing of being able to worship together during the National Lutheran Schools Week. This year there were 785 kids who worshiped together in celebration of Lutheran Education!
This year, the group was lead with special praise music with some members of the Messiah worship band and the students were lead in worship by Messiah Associate Pastor, Dustin Lappe.
Each year the LSoL administrations choose an organization to make a donation to. This year the students were encouraged to bring items to donate for the Lincoln Pregnancy Center.
We are so blessed to be able serve and worship with such a large group of fellow believers and future leaders for the church and world. #welovelutheranschools