
God has blessed people with a unique ability: to create. Lincoln Lutheran provides a rich variety of opportunities for students to creatively express themselves through the arts. Opportunities abound in vocal & instrumental music, visual & multimedia arts, and speech & drama. By participating in these activities, students can share God's grace with other students and the Lincoln community. Learning skills that last a lifetime, Lincoln Lutheran prepares students to use their creativity in their future vocation. 

Instrumental and Vocal Music

In both Middle School and High School, Lincoln Lutheran offers expansive music classes in both instrumental and vocal music. Starting in 6th Grade, all students take a year-long music class and perform as a choir. 6th Grade Band is also offered both to students who have received previous instruction or who are ready to learn an instrument for the first time. In 7th and 8th grade students perform together in band, choir or both

In high school, students can participate in Concert Band and Chorale. Both groups perform concerts throughout the year and represent Lincoln Lutheran by performing at local churches, community fundraisers, parades, competitions, clinics, and honor ensembles. The marching band and pep band also perform at home games. Extra curricular music groups include jazz band, chamber choir, and worship musicians who play for Lincoln Lutheran chapels. Our program also offers out of state trips/tours which emphasis musical learning, performance, and service to others churches and schools.


Comprised entirely of high school students, Journalism provides the Lincoln Lutheran community with the design of the annual Reflection yearbook. Students are responsible for supplementing the annual cost of the yearbook by raising funds, usually through sponsorships within the publication by local businesses and the sale of student picture buttons. Using online software from Walsworth Publishing Company, students take on the challenging tasks of theme development, composition, and layout of the yearbook. The final product is then printed and bound by Walsworth before distribution the following school year. Throughout the course, students learn about the history and ethics of journalism, alongside instruction in the basics of photography and photojournalism. Students participating in Journalism are eligible to compete in state competition.

Visual Arts

The Art Department at Lincoln Lutheran is focused on developing learners who are equipped to be self-directed critical thinkers, innovative problem solvers, and successful collaborators. The visual arts are the lens through which we not only learn about the world, but how we can communicate with the world and interpret our experiences in the world ee do this while focusing on Jesus as our Creator and Redeemer.

Courses in ceramics, painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, design principles, and art history are all offered as curriculum beginning in 6th grade and extending to 12th grade. 

Speech and Drama

Participating in Speech at Lincoln Lutheran is a great opportunity for students to excel in public speaking and develop skills that will help them in their college and career pursuits. While developing these useful skills, students will find friends in their teammates and make memories that will last a lifetime. Throughout the season, high school students select their material from monologues or playbooks, write their own speeches, and perform at high school meets in Lincoln and surrounding cities.

Both middle school and high school students at Lincoln Lutheran are provided opportunities throughout the school year to participate in the Drama program. There are three main productions each year. In the Fall, the Middle School puts on a play production. The High School Drama department produces a One-Act play that is taken to conference and district competitions. In the Spring, high school students perform in a production which is either  a full-length play or a musical.